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Australian Dante Exum signs with Adidas

Australian born Dante Exum has already landed a multi-million dollar endorsement deal before even playing in the NBA. On Thursday, Adidas announced the partnership with the NBA Draft prospect. Still only 18 years old and standing at 6-foot-6 tall, his length and size brings an interesting product to what NBA teams want. The former Australian […]

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Fifty NBA notes, quotes and anecdotes from the 2014 Sloan conference

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GSW Forward Harrison Barnes Shows Social Media Skills

(Golden State Warriors) The Golden State Warriors have always been one of the more engaging NBA teams when it comes to social media. Perhaps this is because their proximity to the Facebook and Twitter headquarters gives them some positive social vibes. Or maybe their young creative franchise which is headed in the right direction. Click on […]

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Sports and Tech – Re-inventing the Arena Experience

22/1/2013 – A great insight into the changes and developments in technology, and its impact on venues. The video below shows..

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