
2006 – High School Completion 

Finishing High School and graduating had to be one of the most satisfying times in my life. Don’t take anything away from the experience it was great, but I knew I was ready to get out in the real world. I decided to get into physical education and had an ambition of teaching fitness and training methods.

2007 – Personal Training/City Gym

Moving into the Health and Fitness industry was exciting times, having a passion and commitment in fitness would lead me to become a qualified Personal trainer. While studying at Australian Institute of Fitness, I was able to gain my certification III and IV in Personal Training only taking 6 months of studying, and giving me the chance to instantly start. Working in a gym environment and training clients one-on-one to achieve goals, was the most rewarding part of the job.

2008 – City Gym

Meeting wrestling superstar and actor Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock, was probably the biggest star-struck moment of my life. While working as a personal trainer in City Gym, I was lucky enough to meet Dwayne when he was training at our facilities. He was able to give a few tips on alternate training methods that he incorporated in his program, and the motivation of a healthy lifestyle.

Dwayne Johnson (The Rock)

Dwayne Johnson (The Rock)

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