My Story

From the city of Sydney Australia, Peter Barakat is an employee and devoted fan of Sport.

Birthplace: Sydney, Australia

Sports of Interest: NBA, NFL, NRL, Boxing and UFC 

Previous Employment : Australian Rugby Union HQ (ARU)

Sports Teams: Washington Wizards, Portland Trailblazers & Carolina Panthers

Starting from a young age, I was captured and interested into the physicality of sports. The first ever fond memory of a sport generated in my minor years, being introduced to the game of Rugby League in Australia. Having a family that follows the game religiously, easily shifted my attention to tracking and monitoring the game regularly.

During my young years, I was also fascinated with the premier athletes of the NBA, in-particular the most notable Michael Jordan. A privilege and inspiration you could say, witnessing the heights and achievements of the greatest basketballers, dominating the game. It would enrich my own passion for the game of basketball and create a mindset of having no limits in life. Ever since my interest in the American sports market has grown rapidly, following both the NBA and NFL, in-depth and on a daily basis.

Understanding the game of basketball drove my interest beyond the game, and into statistical categories of players and their averages. This dream of one day being involved in sports would push my research and interest further.


Sport has given my life much more meaning from my younger years through to my teens, and will continue to do so as I strive to learn more. Since completing my Bachelors degree in the later part of 2013 at the University of Western Sydney, I am on my way to establishing my own identity and hope to build on my experience.

I have always found inspiration from watching professional athletes when they perform, showcasing their talents and that hard-work ethic that I use to achieve my own personal goals. Through the hard work of training and preparation, physically and mentally, anything is possible. I have always believed in the quote; “Dreams don’t work unless you do” and “Hard work beat’s talent.” It gives the reader the truth and reality of acting upon what you say and following through with whatever you want to do.

I have many goals to accomplish and wish to work within the biggest sports markets in the United States in a continuous effort to learn, develop and elaborate on my skills and experience. The use of digital media will blueprint my experiences, the latest sports news, future of sports and my own opinions. This is my journey……….

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